bench partial-restore


bench partial-restore [OPTIONS] SQL_FILE_PATH


You may want to restore only specific tables you've backed up to a site. You have likely taken partial backups using the --only, --exclude options in bench backup.

The partial-restore command may be used to restore sites using partial backups. The partial backup files may be gzip compressed or plain SQL files. In essence, you can restore anything from SQL files using this command.


  • SQL_FILE_PATH Path to the database source file. The path may be relative from the bench directory root, or the sites folder. It may also be an absolute path.

To learn more about relative and absolute paths, on Wikipedia click here.


  • -v, --verbose Add verbosity


  1. Restore with partial backups on a site.
    bench --site {site} partial-restore -v {/path/to/sql/file}

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