Report Builder
Report Builder is the simplest type of Report and can be created without any code. It will only show the records of single DocType as well as child records of Child Tables.
Saving Reports
By default a Report View is generated for all DocTypes. The user can also save multiple Reports based on different combination of filters, ordering, columns, etc.
*Report Builder*
Updating or Deleting Custom Reports
Any custom report created by a user using Report Builder can be then updated or deleted by them from the Report View.
*Update or Delete a Custom Report*
Reports can be printed from the Menu.
*Report Builder Print*
Group By
You can also apply group by clause on columns and use aggregate functions like Count, Sum and Average.
*Report Builder Group By*
Keyboard Navigation and Editing
Since report builder is a view of single DocType, they can also be edited.
*Report Builder Editing*