
Webform Settings

There are multiple checkboxs in the Settings tab that can be used to enable and disable different functionalities.

Login Required

If you want responses from guest user, just disable the login_required checkbox. Logged In users can also use it. It is disabled by default.

If you only want responses from logged in user just enable the login_required checkbox.

Enabling it will make Allow Multiple Responses, Allow Editing After Submit, Allow Delete, Allow Comments, Show Attachments and Show List checkboxes visible.

Allow Multiple Responses

It is used to enable users to give multiple responses which they can see in Webform List View.

Enabling it will also enable show_list checkbox in List Setting section

Allow Editing After Submit

It will allow user to edit there submitted responses.

Allow Delete

It will allow user to delete there submitted responses from Webform List View.


By setting this the response received will be anonymous.

Apply Document Permission

By default if user has read access to the documents submitted by different users it will be visible in the Webform List View. But he/she can only open the record from list view if Apply Document Permission checkbox is checked.

Allow Print

It will add a print button to print the document. It will only be visible on View Mode.

Allow Comments

It will add comment section below the webform where users can communicate. All the comments will be linked to the document.

Show Attachments

It will show all the attachments attached in the document in Attachment Section.

Max Attachment Size (in MB)

It will restrict users to attach large files.

Allow Incomplete Forms

It will allow submission of forms even if mandatory fields are not populated.

List Settings

Web Form

Show List

It will enable List View where you can see all the submitted forms. You can only open the form that you own. Web Form

If apply_document_permissions is enabled you can open other forms.

Title & List Columns

You can change the title of the list and also can add/remove/arrange list view columns Web Form Web Form

Web Form

Show Sidebar

Show webform with sidebar. Select or create a website sidebar where you can add link to current webform and other related webforms or webpages. Web Form


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