Adding Social Login Provider

This guide discusses how to add a social login provider to frappe via pull request.

Add your provider in SocialLoginKey.get_social_login_provider

providers["Frappe"] = {
    "provider_name": "Frappe",
    "enable_social_login": 1,
    "custom_base_url": 1,
    "redirect_url": "/api/method/frappe.www.login.login_via_frappe",
    "api_endpoint": "/api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.openid_profile",
    "authorize_url": "/api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.authorize",
    "access_token_url": "/api/method/frappe.integrations.oauth2.get_token",
    "auth_url_data": json.dumps({
        "response_type": "code",
        "scope": "openid"

Add provider key in exact same type case in options of social_login_provider select field on Social Login Key DocType. e.g. Frappe

Once the user adds a social login provider and enables it the Authorization Code is sent back by the provider api server on to the redirect_url mentioned on the same server. You will have to add a whitelisted method allowing guest access in frappe.integrations.oauth2_logins. e.g. login_via_office365

There many implementations of OAuth 2.0 + OpenID Connect. Here we'll discuss two ways of accessing openid information.

User Creation via OpenID Profile Endpoint


def login_via_frappe(code, state):
    login_via_oauth2("frappe", code, state, decoder=json.loads)

User Creation via id_token


def login_via_office365(code, state):
    login_via_oauth2_id_token("office_365", code, state, decoder=json.loads)

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