Adding Pages

To add pages, just add .html or .md files in the www folder. The pages must only have the content, not the and tags.

You can also write markdown pages


The first file in a folder must be called or index.html

Either file must be present for the system to make this a valid folder to build pages.


# This is a title

This is some page content a link

Links urls to pages can be given without the .html extension for example /home/link


The first `block if present will be the page title if not specified in a special tag. If no

` or title is specified, the file name will be the title.

Adding CSS

You can also add a .css file with the same filename (e.g. index.css for that will be rendered with the page.

Special Tags

  1. `` will make the page render in Jinja
  2. `` will add a custom title
  3. will not add breadcrumbs in the page <h1 id="4-will-enable-caching-if-you-have-used-jinja-templating">4. will enable caching (if you have used Jinja templating)

On this page