Frappe uses the concept of a "Docstatus" to keep track of the status of transactions. The docstatus will always have one of the following three values:
- Draft (value: 0)
- Submitted (value: 1)
- Cancelled (value: 2)
Documents that are not submittable will always remain in the "draft" state. Documents that are submittable can optionally proceed from the draft state to the "submitted", and then to the "cancelled" state.
Documents in the submitted and cancelled state cannot be edited, with one execption: for individual fields we can explicitly allow edits, even when the document is in the submitted state.
In the backend code we have a helper class DocStatus
that can be used as follows:
import frappe
from frappe.model.docstatus import DocStatus
draft_invoice_names = frappe.get_list(
"Sales Invoice",
filters={"docstatus": DocStatus.draft()},
invoice_doc = frappe.get_doc("Sales Invoice", draft_invoice_names[0])
invoice_doc.docstatus == DocStatus.draft() # -> True
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_draft() # -> True
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_submitted() # -> False
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_cancelled() # -> False
invoice_doc.docstatus == DocStatus.submitted() # -> True
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_draft() # -> False
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_submitted() # -> True
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_cancelled() # -> False
invoice_doc.docstatus == DocStatus.cancelled() # -> True
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_draft() # -> False
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_submitted() # -> False
invoice_doc.docstatus.is_cancelled() # -> True
The docstatus gets stored as an integer value in each Doctype table of the database.