How To Make Query Report

You can create tabulated reports using complex SQL queries by creating a new Report. These reports can be created by a System Manager and are stored in the Database

> Note: You will need System Manager Permissions for this.

To create a new Query Report:

1. Create a new Report

Query Report

  1. Set type as "Query Report"
  2. Set the reference DocType - Users that have access to the reference DocType will have access to the report
  3. Set the module - The report will appear in the "Custom Reports" section of the module.
  4. Add your Query

2. Set the Query

You can define complex queries such as:

  `tabProduction Order`.name as "Production Order:Link/Production Order:200",
  `tabProduction Order`.creation as "Date:Date:120",
  `tabProduction Order`.production_item as "Item:Link/Item:150",
  `tabProduction Order`.qty as "To Produce:Int:100",
  `tabProduction Order`.produced_qty as "Produced:Int:100"
  `tabProduction Order`
  `tabProduction Order`.docstatus=1
  AND ifnull(`tabProduction Order`.produced_qty,0) = `tabProduction Order`.qty
  AND EXISTS (SELECT name from `tabStock Entry` where production_order =`tabProduction Order`.name)
  1. To format the columns, set labels for each column in the format: [Label]:[Field Type]/[Options]:[Width]

3. Check the Report

Query Report

4. Advanced (adding filters)

If you are making a standard report, you can add filters in your query report just like script reports by adding a .js file in your query report folder. To include filters in your query, use %(filter_key)s where your filter value will be shown.

For example

SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE item_code = %(item_code)s ORDER BY ...

Note: Standard Script Report

If you are developing a standard report for an app, make sure to set "Is Standard" as "Yes"

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