Customize the Geolocation / Map field

If you want to show a map in your DocType Form, you can add a field of type "Geolocation". By default, it looks like this:


There are many ways to customize this field. We can change global values like the default location and zoom level. And we can customize how individual objects on a particular map are rendered.

Change the map defaults

Note: these changes require a custom app and will apply to all maps in your system.

By default, it shows a street map centered on Mumbai. This is not configurable via the GUI yet. But, using a custom app, we can change the map type, start location, zoom level, etc.

Start by creating a file $MY_APP/$MY_APP/public/js/map_defaults.js. In your $MY_APP/$MY_APP/, add the JS file into the app_include_js hook:

app_include_js = [
    # ...

Now, frappe will load this file for all desk views (i.e. for logged in system users).

In map_defaults.js, we add the following lines:

// Make sure we have a dictionary to add our custom settings
const map_settings = frappe.provide("frappe.utils.map_defaults");

// Center and zoomlevel can be copied from the URL of
// the map view at

// New default location (middle of germany). = [51.57, 9.866];
// new zoomlevel: see the whole country, not just a single city
map_settings.zoom = 6;

// Use a different map: satellite instead of streets
// Examples can be found at
map_settings.tiles = "{z}/{y}/{x}";
map_settings.attribution = "Tiles © Esri — Source: Esri, i-cubed, USDA, USGS, AEX, GeoEye, Getmapping, Aerogrid, IGN, IGP, UPR-EGP, and the GIS User Community";

Restart your bench and reload your browser window. Now you should see the customized map:


Change how a particular map is rendered

In order to change the look and feel of a particular map, you can overwrite the controller methods of the Geolocation field. This can be done with a Client Script or with the hook in a custom app.

By default, everything drawn on the map is blue. Let's overwrite the method on_each_feature to make all polygons red:

frappe.ui.form.on("My Doctype", {
    setup(frm) {
        frm.fields_dict.MY_MAP_FIELD.on_each_feature = function(feature, layer) {
            if (feature.geometry.type == "Polygon") {
                layer.setStyle({color: "red"});

The result looks like this:


Other methods that can be overwritten include point_to_layer and set_style. Read more about these methods in the Leaflet documentation.


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